Fear – F.E.A.R.
Fear is on my mind today. It is an emotion that has an important purpose – to tell you that you aren’t feeling safe. I
Life is Like a River
I drove by the Mississippi River last weekend and thought life is like a river. It is the perfect metaphor for life. A river narrows
You Get What You Expect
https://youtu.be/Sh6kQmOGr40 FARE is an acronym for the 4 laws of the mind: Focus, Associate, Repeat and Expect. Today I want to talk about expectations, specifically
Life IS a Journey
https://youtu.be/4dQiQoBak4U Perhaps you are a driven person. You’ve got your goals and to-do lists, and come hell or high water, it’ll get done. Maybe you’re
Take inspired Action: Plug in the Vacuum
A few weeks ago I talked about goal setting and the difference between taking action and taking inspired action. I suggested taking time to place
How Do You Take Action toward Your Goals?
https://youtu.be/lllwKJm6GVw I recently listened to a speaker explaining his method for increasing sales to business owners. It was full of goal setting, analyzing the number