Monday Educational Video Blog​

Not Enough Choices? How many times have you been faced with two choices, and neither one of them were particularly interesting to you?   This tends to

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Self-Care Hi, Everyone. It’s time for your Thursday thought of the week.  Brianna Wiest said, “True self-care is not bath salts and chocolate cake. It’s

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On Perfection It doesn’t matter if you’re a CEO of a major company or a solopreneur or anyone else for that matter.   “Someday, sometime, you’ll

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The Power of the Observer Hi, Everyone. It’s time for your Thursday thought of the week. Nothing that is observed is unaffected by the observer. Now, what this means

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What Holds You Back? On Paul Padmore’s My Perfect Failure podcast, Roberta talks about the things that hold people back from reaching their potential.    

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