Thursday Thought – Loving Yourself
Today’s Thursday Thought is on loving yourself. Roberta references a short poem by Andrea Gibson on this topic. Find Andrea on Instagram.
Announcing AHARA Team
Announcing AHARA Team! Roberta launches AHARA, A Higher Awareness and Realization of your Abilities, for corporations and businesses of any size. Having a shared language
Thursday Thought – The Meaning of Life
Today’s Thursday Thought poses the Meaning of Life! Is it really a deep subject?
Comfortable in Your Body
Today, I’m talking about how comfortable you are in your body. It’s a more complicated subject than weight and how you look.
Thursday Thought Notice Your Glimmers
Today’s Thursday Thought is to Notice Your Glimmers. We all have things that trigger us and we let them become big in our lives. Today
If You Only Had 10 Minutes
If You Only Had 10 Minutes left to live, what would you do? Jim Carrey talks about his experience in Hawaii when a mistaken warning