Beliefs are thoughts that we think over and over again. Wayne Dyer said “Change your thoughts, change your life.” It’s true – if you keep
Emotions are in the Driver’s Seat
Emotions drive us. Have you ever wanted that little black dress or that sporty new car and didn’t have the money for it? And you
Stress Solutions
Today we are talking about stress solutions. Stress is an emotion that is saying you have too much on your plate to manage. Here’s a
Beliefs About Your Past, Present and Future
Clients come to me with lots of beliefs about their past or their future. The past does not exist. It is gone – The only
Negativity Bias
There’s a section on my intake form for new clients that asks them to list 7 positive benefits they’d like to receive from their sessions.
Stanford Research on Hypnosis
Check out the latest Stanford research on hypnosis. My experience illustrates that many, many people in between the ranges of this study also benefit. The science