Thursday Thought Notice Your Glimmers
Today’s Thursday Thought is to Notice Your Glimmers. We all have things that trigger us and we let them become big in our lives. Today
If You Only Had 10 Minutes
If You Only Had 10 Minutes left to live, what would you do? Jim Carrey talks about his experience in Hawaii when a mistaken warning
Thursday Thought – Bodies and Hearts
Roberta’s Thursday Thought comes to you from poet Andrea Gibson.
Thursday Thought – Mistakes
In today’s Thursday Thought Roberta talks about how mistakes are really opportunities to learn and provide a chance for a second take.
Are You an Either/Or Thinker?
Are you an “either/or” thinker? Do you have trouble thinking outside of the box? It’s important to realize how this kind of thinking keeps you
Thursday Thought – Changing Your Perspective
The Thursday Thought this week is about changing your perspective. What have you been holding tight that could be shifted to change your way of