I was honored to be on the Jeff Bullas Show! We talked about change, emotional intelligence, and a whole lot more. There have been over
Emotional Intelligence Starts with Yourself
https://youtu.be/eXB7wAiheUQ Emotional Intelligence Starts with Yourself I’ve been talking a lot lately about emotional intelligence. And emotional intelligence really starts with ourselves and knowing who
Thursday Thought: Being Rich
https://youtu.be/ICMvLZrGHiU Today’s Thought is about being rich. Hi, Everybody, I’m Roberta Fernandez, your Ability Activator, and it’s time for your Thursday thought of the week.
Become the New You: Caterpillar to Butterfly
“Cleaning Out Your Closet” is my process that enables transformation from caterpillar to butterfly. Getting rid of all the old baggage, emotions, and outdated beliefs
Thursday Thought: Is Joy Foreboding?
https://youtu.be/R7w-0joxeGE Roberta discusses today’s Thursday Thought: Is Joy Foreboding? Hi, I’m Roberta Fernandez, your Ability Activator, and it’s time for your Thursday Thought of
Retention and Emotional Intelligence
I’m Roberta Fernandez, your Ability Activator. Today I want to talk about emotional intelligence. Now a lot of people hear that word emotional intelligence and