Do You Ever Really Reach the Top?
https://youtu.be/d290ihn9LeE How many times have you thought you reached the top of your game and believed that there was nothing left? Well, it’s often that

What Holds You Back?
https://youtu.be/t3zCwsaS_IU On Paul Padmore’s My Perfect Failure podcast, Roberta talks about the things that hold people back from reaching their potential.

It’s BOGO Time!
https://youtu.be/WfDNfpmzSPc In your personal or professional life, how many times have you tackled the same problem over and over, to no avail? Einstein said, “We

Forget the celery!
https://youtu.be/YTOYovs1GME It’s time for your Thursday Thought of the week, and it’s a good one! Life is too short to eat celery. Life is too

Ditch the Belief
https://youtu.be/WSffJLfa5Nw You cannot be in traffic without being traffic. Life is not something that you are stuck in when it happens. If you feel

Do the Imposter Shake!
Do the Imposter Shake! How many times have you shrugged off and buried those feelings deep inside you that you aren’t good enough or smart