Hypnosis and Fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqsHDD3y_sM People are paralyzed by fear of many things, like spiders, flying or heights. Most know that the fear is irrational but are unable to overcome it. When these things keep you from going into the basement or camping, or traveling or going into tall buildings, it’s time to take charge of these fears. Hypnosis […]
Money and Spirituality
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T07VZtDZ9A4 From time to time we have clients who are conflicted about money and their spiritual or religious beliefs. This blog post by Brian Hill has an interesting perspective so I’m passing it along to you. Money is different things to different people. Depending on who you are, money can be symbolic for power, freedom, […]
Hypnosis and Ongoing Anxiety
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-sRM1BRvc8Y Once again, Covid is making gains, even as millions of vaccinations are given daily, keeping our lives in limbo. Social unrest in Minneapolis is making the entire country edgy again. And the drama of the election keeps rearing its ugly head. We’ve all been through a lot this past 12 months, and unfortunately the […]
Hypnosis and Covid Weight
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IpAhGhb7Kzc The American Psychological Association recently published a survey that said 42% of American had gained weight during the Covid pandemic. The average gained was 29 pounds, with millennials reporting the highest average of 41 pounds. I guess I don’t feel too bad now about my 5 pounds! People are sleeping less and drinking more, […]
Hypnosis and Limiting Beliefs
Limiting beliefs. I know you have some. The interesting thing is that you didn’t create them. They were given to you by your parents or relative, your teacher, your pastor, or maybe even something you watch for read. You do, however, share responsibility by continuing to hold on to them, perhaps even reinforce them. You […]
Emotion Resolution
https://youtu.be/aqbu5QmXMcE What is Emotion Resolution? Simply, being able to think about a person or event or even something that reminds us of those things, and not have the emotions associated with them get triggered. Perhaps it’s a divorce, a death, a car accident, or an old relationship. Ou hypnotic process provides understanding and neutralizes those […]
What Is or What Can Be?
https://youtu.be/x20Oz8bliXk It is what it is. If you are trying to solve your problems with this line of thinking, remember what Einstein said: “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” Shifting your thoughts to “What Can Be” allows you to envision the appropriate solution to create the […]
Internal Dialogues
<span data-mce-type=”bookmark” style=”display: inline-block; width: 0px; overflow: hidden; line-height: 0;” class=”mce_SELRES_start”></span> Probably the most important conversations you have are the ones you have with yourself. They can be the most productive or the most damaging.
Where’s Your Bike on the Path?
Feel like you are always pedaling uphill, or worse yet, your chain has come off and you are stuck where you are on your path? There are many things that can keep you stuck. Stuck in worry or fear or pain, or because of these things, in a lack of sleep.
Relative or Absolute Truths
Absolute truths are fact based. This is a pen. Water is wet. Rocks are hard.Relative truths are opinion based and agreement based. This is what we’ve made up as fact, by society or in our own minds. Both kinds of truth are very real.