Experiences for a New Year – What’s your Desire?

Find or decorate a big beautiful box. Each day, for thirty days, put a picture of something you really want in the box. (You can find a picture online and print it out, or get it from a magazine, etc)

When you’ve done this for thirty days, take the pictures out of the box and sort them into two piles, one for those that you still desire, and one for those that you changed your mind about. 

Go through the unwanted pile and look at each one. Ask yourself why you’ve decided it’s no longer on your wish list (or maybe you got it already!).

Then go through the ones that you still want. On the back, or on a post-it note that you attach to it, write why having it will make you feel better. Put it back in the box. Each week, review the items in your box, sorting if you need to. Keep adding more to what you’ve already written about how you will feel when it manifests in your life.

If you find that this exercise is difficult, and doesn’t get easier after a few attempts, give me call! Write to me about your experiences at the end of the 30 days!

I’m Roberta Fernandez, a Board Certified hypnotist and Certified Trainer at FARE Hypnosis, helping you take back control, by unlocking the power of your mind to reach your goals of any kind.


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