Hypnosis and Covid Weight

The American Psychological Association recently published a survey that said 42% of American had gained weight during the Covid pandemic. The average gained was 29 pounds, with millennials reporting the highest average of 41 pounds. I guess I don’t feel too bad now about my 5 pounds!

People are sleeping less and drinking more, both of which can lead to weight gain. This also increases anxiety, depression and a host of potential physical ailments.

If you’re in need of losing those excess pounds from Covid and finding a healthier distraction from your worries, give us a call. Hypnotic suggestion goes a long way to making the road back much easier.

I’m Roberta Fernandez, a Board Certified hypnotist and Certified Trainer at FARE Hypnosis, helping you take back control, by unlocking the power of your mind to reach your goals of any kind.


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