Hypnosis and Limiting Beliefs

Limiting beliefs. I know you have some. The interesting thing is that you didn’t create them. They were given to you by your parents or relative, your teacher, your pastor, or maybe even something you watch for read.

You do, however, share responsibility by continuing to hold on to them, perhaps even reinforce them. You may not consciously even realize what some of them are. Beliefs are stored in the subconscious mind – and easily accessed through hypnosis. 

Spring is coming. It’s time to dump out the old dirt in the pots of your mind, fertilize it with lots of good thoughts and allow the sunshine to allow the flowers to grow.

Give us a call today, because we can help you get rid of those limiting beliefs so you can see the world through rose colored glasses. So much prettier!

I’m Roberta Fernandez, a Board Certified hypnotist and Certified Trainer at FARE Hypnosis, helping you take back control, by unlocking the power of your mind to reach your goals of any kind.


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