Park your Emotions in Neutral

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<span data-mce-type=”bookmark” style=”display: inline-block; width: 0px; overflow: hidden; line-height: 0;” class=”mce_SELRES_start”></span> Park your emotions in neutral! I’ve found myself saying this to clients a lot lately. Everything is neutral – every person, event, thing and situation is neutral. It simply IS.


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Beliefs are thoughts that we think over and over again. Wayne Dyer said “Change your thoughts, change your life.” It’s true – if you keep thinking the same thoughts or doing the same thing, your focus never changes – and what you focus on continues to expand. 

Beliefs About Your Past, Present and Future

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Clients come to me with lots of beliefs about their past or their future. The past does not exist. It is gone – The only thing that exists is what you create in your mind at any given moment about the past- it’s either the good part or bad part, not the entire thing.


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Today let’s talk about mindfulness and the choices we make. There was a recent study that asked people how many food choices they made during the day.

What is “FARE”

Today I’d like to talk about where the name FARE Hypnosis came from. FARE is an acronym that stands for the 4 laws of the mind. We use these laws of our mind to your advantage in hypnosis.

Confidence in Getting a Job

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A client from Edina came to see me about confidence in interviewing for a new job. He had been let go from his previous job