AHARA Athlete enables you to develop
A Higher Awareness and Realization
of your Abilities
and apply it specifically to your sport.
You have already reached a level of success that few others can attain. But have you wondered if you could do more, be more accomplished, and take your skills to an even greater level?
For decades, professional athletes have used guided visualization to imagine their perfect performance. AHARA intensifies that experience, enabling you to make a stronger mind-body connection. Just imagine the results of forty-eight hours of one-on-one immersion!
Learning and integrating the basic tenets of AHARA over 12 weeks, you will:
- Identify and release outdated beliefs that keep you stuck
- Resolve old emotions that you may not be aware of that stand in the way of being your best
- Think clearly and problem-solve from a different perspective
- Develop visualization skills that allow you to quantum leap into your desired state of being and fulfill your visions
- Take your level of performance to the next level
- Positively influence others as an outstanding role model in your sport
- Incorporate the AHARA tenets into your personal and professional lives as a way of being
If these outcomes appeal to you and you value investing in yourself, you may be an excellent fit to experience AHARA Athlete and make a transformational quantum leap in only three months.
Apply today to see if you are a good fit for AHARA Athlete.
Not sure if AHARA Athlete is for you? Check out the FARE Athletic Excellence program!
Disclaimer: Services rendered are held out to the public as non-therapeutic motivational and meditative consulting to inspire positive thinking and the capacity to self-manage your mind and body abilities. Services rendered are not any form of health care or psychotherapy, and despite research to the contrary, I make no health benefit claims for the services provided. My work is supportive and educational, intended to enhance productivity, effectiveness, and personal and professional growth.