Today I’d like to talk about where the name FARE Hypnosis came from. FARE is an acronym that stands for the 4 laws of the mind. We use these laws of our mind to your advantage in hypnosis.
F stands for focus. What you focus on expands so in hypnosis we focus on the solutions, not the problems. If you are getting results that you don’t want, it’s time to look at what you are focusing on.
A is for associate. When your thoughts and images are similar in nature to your focus they act as triggers to that behavior. We want to eliminate triggers that are reinforcing unwanted behaviors.
R is for repeat. When you repeat something often enough and invest passion in it, it becomes your belief, your truth in life. We want to be sure that your belief serves you well in reaching your goals.
E is for expect. You get exactly what you expect and will filter out anything to the contrary. We want to make sure your expectations are in line with your goals.
When this work is done at the subconscious level – home to your beliefs and emotions – change is very powerful!
I’m Roberta Fernandez, a Board Certified Hypnotist and Certified Trainer at The FARE Hypnosis Center, located in Eden Prairie, Minnesota. Let us help you take back control by unlocking the power of your mind to reach your goals of any kind.
Emotions Rule Does vulnerability make you hesitant to speak up and prevent honest conversations because you don’t want to be criticized? Or, because of your lack