Beliefs About Your Past, Present and Future

Clients come to me with lots of beliefs about their past or their future. The past does not exist. It is gone – The only thing that exists is what you create in your mind at any given moment about the past- it’s either the good part or bad part, not the entire thing. Everything is as it should be – you cannot change what happened – it can’t be anything else other than what it is at the moment. I should of, could of would have, cannot change it. You are creating fantasies and wasting energy on something the isn’t ever going to happen. 
Some think about future instead, but we tend to project what has happened in the past onto what will happen in the future. You can learn from the past, and can plan for the future, but you need to come back to the Present – in order to move forward. This moment is the only one that we can affect. 
I’m Roberta Fernandez, a Board Certified Hypnotist and Certified Trainer at The FARE Hypnosis Center, helping you take back control by unlocking the power of your mind to reach your goals of any kind.


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