Thursday Thought Notice Your Glimmers

Today’s Thursday Thought is to Notice Your Glimmers. We all have things that trigger us and we let them become big in our lives. Today I’d like you to think about the positive things – Glimmers!

Balance and relaxation

Roberta talks about the challenges of maintaining balance in this world and how our ability to relax has been diminished. Suggestion: every day take 5 minutes and do something that allows you to turn off the noise and relax.

Fear – F.E.A.R.

Fear is on my mind today. It is an emotion that has an important purpose – to tell you that you aren’t feeling safe. I want to talk about is the acronym of fear – False Evidence Appearing Real. It comes in many forms. Fear of success. Fear of failure. Fear of not being good […]

Life IS a Journey Perhaps you are a driven person. You’ve got your goals and to-do lists, and come hell or high water, it’ll get done.  Maybe you’re planning a trip to Italy. You’re going to Rome, Pisa, Portofino, Milan, Venice, and Firenze, then back home. But you say, “Wait? My final destination is home? Why go? I’m […]

How Do You Take Action toward Your Goals? I recently listened to a speaker explaining his method for increasing sales to business owners.  It was full of goal setting, analyzing the number of calls to close ratios, and setting daily targets to get the required percentage by the end of the week. I was exhausted when all his calculations were worked backward […]

Expectations It’s true that people rise or lower to meet expectations. When you give someone, or are given a label, that’s a strong expectation.  What labels have you been given, or have given yourself?  A pain sufferer  A victim A person who has “this” disease or diagnosis (fill in the blank) Fat, poor, stupid, fearful […]

Experiences for a New Year – Priorities This is an exercise in learning to set realistic priorities and to also recognize how many things you think are essential, that aren’t really that important after all. On a large piece of paper make 2 columns titled: Things I will do today (list only the things you absolutely intend, need or want to […]

Experiences for a New Year – What’s your Desire? Find or decorate a big beautiful box. Each day, for thirty days, put a picture of something you really want in the box. (You can find a picture online and print it out, or get it from a magazine, etc) When you’ve done this for thirty days, take the pictures out of the box […]

Experiences for a New Year – Money Here’s 2 exercises that can be used for issues around money. Adapt how you look at them depending on your desired outcome. First, put a $100 bill in your wallet. (Or imagine one there until you can get one!) As you go through your day, look at it and think of how many things […]

Hypnosis and Your Incredible Brain I read an article by a colleague, Rebecca Rishe and I wanted to share some of her thoughts with you about your magnificent brain. Your brain weighs about 2-lbs., 10-oz. It is estimated to contain around 15 billion transistorized cells, each of which has the capacity to store more than 100,000 bits of information. […]