How High Do You Score?
Emotional intelligence impacts all of your personal and professional relationships. Take your emotional intelligence assessment and find out how high you score by copying this link into your browser:
Awareness is Essential to Being Emotionally Intelligent On The Jeff Bullas Show, Jeff and Roberta discuss why awareness is the first step in improving your emotional intelligence.
Emotional Intelligence and Conflict Hi, Everybody. I’m going to continue my little series here on Emotional Intelligence. And I know maybe some of you personally are sitting back thinking, well, does this have to do with me? It has everything to do with everyone. The last almost 20 years of my life have been focused on working with […]
Emotional Intelligence, Teams, and Relationships
Today, we’re going to talk about the benefits of emotional intelligence in helping to improve your teams. And I don’t mean just at work, I also mean that team, that home, family, or friends. We live today in a sea of perspectives, a lot of us are divided, but the fact of the matter […]
Emotional Intelligence Eases the Change Process Roberta discusses how emotional intelligence eases the change process with Dr. William Attaway.
Emotional Intelligence in Relationships
Hi, I’m Roberta Fernandez, your Ability Activator, and I’m a little late with the Monday mention this week, but I’m catching up here because I went to see the eclipse, which was pretty cool, I have to say. I want to read this quote because it goes back to a lot of the things we’ve […]
Emotional Intelligence Starts with Yourself Emotional Intelligence Starts with Yourself I’ve been talking a lot lately about emotional intelligence. And emotional intelligence really starts with ourselves and knowing who we are, and how we feel about each other. This is a little unusual Monday mention because I’m going to wax some poetry here. I came across this. I had […]
Retention and Emotional Intelligence
I’m Roberta Fernandez, your Ability Activator. Today I want to talk about emotional intelligence. Now a lot of people hear that word emotional intelligence and they don’t really understand what it means. I’ll explain that in another video, but for today I want to tell you why it’s important. Last July, Indeed, the job search […]
Empathy is a Good Thing I’d like to challenge the idea that empathy is a good thing. Empathy means that you take on the feelings of others as your own. Typically empathy is present when someone is feeling bad, so taking that on as your own is detrimental to you. When you go down to that bad level you […]
AHARA results from the cumulative knowledge gained from being a serial entrepreneur spanning multiple disciplines. It is a unique way to approach problem-solving, goals, Self-development, and life. This program is forward-thinking and positively focused on a new way of thinking and viewing everything in your world. Before becoming a hypnotist, I was a business consultant […]