Experiences for a New Year – Worthiness

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https://youtu.be/YkOAC_EX04Q This exercise provides insight into how you perceive your level of worthiness. You may find some areas easy or challenging. No matter what, there will be an opportunity for introspection. 1. At the top of a page, write I am worthy of…. 2. Create four columns or sections and title them: Home, Body, Relationship, […]

Experiences for a New Year – Money

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https://youtu.be/XwMRn8R_iPw Here’s 2 exercises that can be used for issues around money. Adapt how you look at them depending on your desired outcome. First, put a $100 bill in your wallet. (Or imagine one there until you can get one!) As you go through your day, look at it and think of how many things […]


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https://youtu.be/jIJBtcZBILg A few days ago, I asked a client how they would know if they were successful. Our discussion inspired me to think about success in a different direction than where our conversation started. Many people think that success means getting everything they want. My question to that is: “Then what?” I don’t think success […]

The Destructive Power of Fear, Part 2

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https://youtu.be/QV_W_AGtQas This is episode two of a three part series on the destructive power of fear. If you missed the first one, you can find it by clicking on the video blog tab at FAREHypnosis.com. It will be in the archives. Your brain is hard-wired to protect you and keep you safe. As a result […]

Hypnosis and Positive Thinking

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https://youtu.be/wrhixTUV7ks The power of positive thinking is invaluable in improving your life and exponentially multiplies your level of happiness. Positive thinking starts with focusing on the many good things in your life. Keeping a gratitude journal is always a good idea. Being thankful keeps you focused on the positive things in your life that you […]

Hypnosis and Covid Weight

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IpAhGhb7Kzc The American Psychological Association recently published a survey that said 42% of American had gained weight during the Covid pandemic. The average gained was 29 pounds, with millennials reporting the highest average of 41 pounds. I guess I don’t feel too bad now about my 5 pounds! People are sleeping less and drinking more, […]

Hypnosis and Limiting Beliefs

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Limiting beliefs. I know you have some. The interesting thing is that you didn’t create them. They were given to you by your parents or relative, your teacher, your pastor, or maybe even something you watch for read. You do, however, share responsibility by continuing to hold on to them, perhaps even reinforce them. You […]

Accidentally Unplugged

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The other day I accidentally left home without my phone. Luckily it wasn’t a work day, so I spent the day without it. At first it felt odd – just knowing no one could reach me by phone, text or email. But soon, I forgot.

Emotional and Mental Wellbeing

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<span data-mce-type=”bookmark” style=”display: inline-block; width: 0px; overflow: hidden; line-height: 0;” class=”mce_SELRES_start”></span> You understand the importance of exercise and nutrition for your body. You make a concerted effort to regularly walk or go to the gym. You do your best to eliminate processed foods and sugar from your diet. After all, your body has to support […]

Internal Dialogues

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<span data-mce-type=”bookmark” style=”display: inline-block; width: 0px; overflow: hidden; line-height: 0;” class=”mce_SELRES_start”></span> Probably the most important conversations you have are the ones you have with yourself. They can be the most productive or the most damaging.