
https://youtu.be/w65ki1O38Dc It’s true that people rise or lower to meet expectations. When you give someone, or are given a label, that’s a strong expectation.  What labels have you been given, or have given yourself?  A pain sufferer  A victim A person who has “this” disease or diagnosis (fill in the blank) Fat, poor, stupid, fearful […]


https://youtu.be/sWvzR4pxAdc Goals. Most people are in a hurry to accomplish or attain things. Perhaps, like many others, you desire instant gratification or at least quick resolution. How thoroughly have you thought about the ones you have set for yourself? Are they in alignment with your beliefs and your expectations? Have you thought about how they […]


https://youtu.be/7bzY57yhXZ4 People talk about mindset, but what does this really mean, and why is it important? Simply stated, mindset is the lens that you are looking through at any given moment. Are you pessimistic or optimistic? Nervous or excited? Stressed or calm? The right mindset helps you react to the unexpected things that come along […]

You Are on the River of Life

https://youtu.be/fu5RgsA06Xk You are where you are on the river of life. Just put your boat in the river and head toward your goals. The river will take you to where you want. Why are you paddling upstream when everything you want is downstream? Why do you feel you have to work so hard? Many people […]

Experiences for a New Year – Priorities

https://youtu.be/t9qPLi2MvgQ This is an exercise in learning to set realistic priorities and to also recognize how many things you think are essential, that aren’t really that important after all. On a large piece of paper make 2 columns titled: Things I will do today (list only the things you absolutely intend, need or want to […]

Experiences for a New Year – Awareness

https://youtu.be/dtDjWmoxkFg This is an exercise in learning to become more aware of your surroundings and your actions, and to be more aware of what you want in the moment. (Remember that where you put your focus is what you are likely to receive.) This may seem like a very simple exercise, but I’m willing to […]

Experiences for a New Year – Kindness

https://youtu.be/NUlT3cO_9QI This is an exercise in learning to think kindly of someone. Start with someone easy, then each day, as you get the feel for the exercise, include those who may be more challenging (like an annoying co-worker). Put the person’s name at the top of a page. For 10-20 minutes, Answer these questions about […]

Experiences for a New Year – What’s your Desire?

https://youtu.be/v-M6eZW756A Find or decorate a big beautiful box. Each day, for thirty days, put a picture of something you really want in the box. (You can find a picture online and print it out, or get it from a magazine, etc) When you’ve done this for thirty days, take the pictures out of the box […]

Experiences for a New Year – Worthiness

https://youtu.be/YkOAC_EX04Q This exercise provides insight into how you perceive your level of worthiness. You may find some areas easy or challenging. No matter what, there will be an opportunity for introspection. 1. At the top of a page, write I am worthy of…. 2. Create four columns or sections and title them: Home, Body, Relationship, […]

Experiences for a New Year – Money

https://youtu.be/XwMRn8R_iPw Here’s 2 exercises that can be used for issues around money. Adapt how you look at them depending on your desired outcome. First, put a $100 bill in your wallet. (Or imagine one there until you can get one!) As you go through your day, look at it and think of how many things […]