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AHARA results from the cumulative knowledge gained from being a serial entrepreneur spanning multiple disciplines. It is a unique way to approach problem-solving, goals, Self-development, and life. This program is forward-thinking and positively focused on a new way of thinking and viewing everything in your world. Before becoming a hypnotist, I was a business consultant […]

Self-Esteem: Knowing Your Value

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Your self-esteem must come from knowing your value.  In your professional life, you must be clear on the value of your talents and what you bring to the table. If you aren’t sure, no one else will be either, and you’ll never garner the respect you deserve. In your personal relationships, it is up to […]

Life is Like a River

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I drove by the Mississippi River last weekend and thought life is like a river. It is the perfect metaphor for life. A river narrows and widens, has turns and straightaways, the water can slow down, calm and quiet, or speed up like a rapid or even cascade over a waterfall.  Whether you enjoy your […]

Take inspired Action: Plug in the Vacuum

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A few weeks ago I talked about goal setting and the difference between taking action and taking inspired action.  I suggested taking time to place your thoughts and energy around something that makes you feel good before taking action. In other words, to get inspired about your goals. I heard this great metaphor that I […]

Be Selfish!

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https://youtu.be/KPe2bh9jikg I want you to be selfish. That’s right. And I don’t mean just a little “ish”. I mean full out selfish! Let’s break this word down. Self means “a person’s particular nature or personality; the qualities that make a person individual or unique”. Ish – means “to some extent”. Put the two definitions together […]


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https://youtu.be/w65ki1O38Dc It’s true that people rise or lower to meet expectations. When you give someone, or are given a label, that’s a strong expectation.  What labels have you been given, or have given yourself?  A pain sufferer  A victim A person who has “this” disease or diagnosis (fill in the blank) Fat, poor, stupid, fearful […]


https://youtu.be/sWvzR4pxAdc Goals. Most people are in a hurry to accomplish or attain things. Perhaps, like many others, you desire instant gratification or at least quick resolution. How thoroughly have you thought about the ones you have set for yourself? Are they in alignment with your beliefs and your expectations? Have you thought about how they […]


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https://youtu.be/7bzY57yhXZ4 People talk about mindset, but what does this really mean, and why is it important? Simply stated, mindset is the lens that you are looking through at any given moment. Are you pessimistic or optimistic? Nervous or excited? Stressed or calm? The right mindset helps you react to the unexpected things that come along […]

Living Imaginatively

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https://youtu.be/yqzx4QCu-Qs I realize that I am happier in my imagination than in my observation.  In my imagination I am creative, positive and forward thinking. In observing the conditions around me, I can get stuck in a reality that I have no control over. That doesn’t mean I sit with my head in the sand, oblivious […]

You Are on the River of Life

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https://youtu.be/fu5RgsA06Xk You are where you are on the river of life. Just put your boat in the river and head toward your goals. The river will take you to where you want. Why are you paddling upstream when everything you want is downstream? Why do you feel you have to work so hard? Many people […]