Thursday Thought: What Is is History

Featured Video Play Icon Hi Everyone! It’s time for your Thursday Thought of the week: What is, doesn’t matter. What is, is old news. What is, is the result of past energy that has already flowed.  So, here’s what I want you to think about this week. What is the energy that you are flowing today? And what […]

Learn your Currency

Featured Video Play Icon Do you know what your currency is? Let me tell you what I mean by that.  You came into this world fully equipped to do what you’re meant to do and be who you’re meant to be.  And and learning your currency simply means learning how you can maximize those things that you’re good […]

Awareness vs Habituation

In today’s Monday Mention, Roberta talks about Awareness vs Habituation and the importance of adding new things to your day for a rush of dopamine and active neuronal activity in your brain.