Did You Miss it?
https://youtu.be/tzj82AGahBI Hi Everybody, It’s time for your Thursday Thought of the week. We’ve become so attached to the road that we’re on, to the itinerary that we’ve mapped out, that when a new road appears, we may not even see it, so I want to ask you what roads have you missed? Think about […]
Open a World of Possibilities
https://youtu.be/yOXNO7EK1dY Join Roberta as she talks with Rosie Zilinskas on the No Woman Left Behind Podcast about How your thinking can open a world of possibilities, or not!
Shine a Light
Hi Everybody! It’s time for your Thursday Thought of the week. I saw this on the internet and just love it: When a flashlight grows dim or quits working, you son’t throw it away, you change the batteries. When a person messes up and finds themselves in a dark place, so you cast them aside? […]
Which Door?
https://youtu.be/gr8r4iXVPmo Hi Everybody! It’s time for your Thursday thought of the week, and here it is: Better to admit that you walk through the wrong door than to spend your whole life in the wrong room. Think about that over this weekend. I’m Roberta Fernandez, your Ability Activator. Have a great weekend, Everybody.
Are You Impostering?
https://youtu.be/DfoiuT_D2bE Have you ever experienced self-doubt? Lack of confidence? Talked negatively to yourself? Felt inadequate or maybe even unworthy? Have you ever sabotaged your success, comparing your abilities with those of other people, or have you just doubted your abilities? Any of these signs can mean that you might be having a bout of imposter […]
What is Love?
https://youtu.be/lqqcOS-rhGQ Hi Everyone; it’s time for your Thursday Thought of the week. Today’s thought comes from a six-year-old girl named Emma, and she wrote what she thought love is. “Love is when you’re missing some of your teeth, but you’re not afraid to smile because you know your friends will still love you, even […]
Self-Esteem and Feedback
https://youtu.be/m6fD8bWDo_M Roberta and Jeff Bullas discuss the effect of feedback and criticism on an individual’s self-esteem in this edition of Monday Mentions.
The Benefits of Obstacles
https://youtu.be/raLrcQLYsNo It’s time for your Thursday Thought of the week. This is a quote from Barbara DeAngelis. She says, “The obstacles in our path are not blocking us – they are redirecting us. Their purpose is not to interfere with our happiness; it is to point us toward new routes to our happiness, new possibilities, […]
How Emotions Affect Change
Roberta discusses how emotions affect change and drive imposter syndrome with Britain’s Paul Padmore and My Perfect Failure.
Please Don’t Be…
It’s time for your Thursday Thought of the week. There will be many people in this life who won’t like you. Don’t be one of them. I’m Roberta Fernandez, Your Ability Activator. Have a great weekend, Everybody! https://youtu.be/3vM5_Cf_tqM