Tired of the Divisiveness?

How many times have you said to yourself, “I’m so tired of all the divisiveness”? There must be a way to get everyone back to the table, engaged in meaningful dialogue. I get it. It’s exhausting. Whether it’s in our families, workplaces, or communities, it can feel like we’re stuck in a cycle of disagreement. […]


It’s time for your Thursday thought of the week. “Apologizing doesn’t always mean you’re wrong and the other person is right. It means you value your relationship more than your ego.” Ponder that over the weekend.  I’m Roberta Fernandez, Your Ability Activator!

Emotions Rule

https://youtu.be/JWTAPcp1ACQ Does vulnerability make you hesitant to speak up and prevent honest conversations because you don’t want to be criticized?  Or, because of your lack of vulnerability, do you find yourself in a feedback vacuum because others are afraid to approach you with new ideas? A lack of confidence, imposter syndrome, and thoughts of inadequacy […]


https://youtu.be/FzBruw1bhC8 It’s time for your Thursday thought of the week. Many of you by now know that I have unexpectedly become a fantasy book fan, particular Brandon Sanderson, and this is from his almost latest Rhythm of War in a four or five-part series.   It says, “No one has ever accomplished anything by being […]

Value the Contrast

https://youtu.be/EnbdjhIw62A Today I want to talk about valuing contrast. A lot of us like to think about conflict or differences. Those are the words we tend to use, but I like the word contrast because it’s kind of like putting something bright red on a piece of a stark white background. It really pops and […]

Focus on Solutions

https://youtu.be/sC9cz4J6Lfo It’s time for your Thursday thought of the week, and I’m just thinking about how much we love to solve problems, because it feels good when we find solutions, doesn’t it?  But here’s the problem about how our mind works.  When we’re in the habit of continually looking for the problem and focusing on […]

Want a Good Year? Know Yourself!

We’re all starting over, right? It’s a new year, and everybody’s busy making their New Year’s resolutions. And my guess is by the 6th of January, a lot of you have already fallen off the wagon. And that’s okay. But I wanted to talk about the secret to really keeping those New Year resolutions and […]

Resolutions Made Easy!

You are at that time of the year when you reflect on the past year and plan for the new one.  Perhaps you are focused on that next promotion or taking your company to the next level. Maybe you are struggling to live more comfortably in a sea of diverse perspectives. Or your challenge is […]

Unexpected Consequences?

It’s time for your Thursday Thought of the week.  I don’t know who said this, but this quote clearly illustrates the importance of being emotionally intelligent in your personal and professional life if you don’t want unexpected consequences. “Never make a permanent decision based on a temporary emotion.”  Something to think about over the weekend. […]

Make This Your Last Resolution

Hi Everybody! It’s that time of the year again. Not only is it holiday season, but it’s also that season when we start thinking about the next year, the next 12 months. Alot of you are out there making resolutions, setting goals. I’d like to add one thing to your list of things to think […]