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If you are in the Las Vegas Area and want to meet in person, set up an in-person appointment.
2520 St Rose Parkway #203F
Las Vegas, NV 89074
Here’s my calendar to see up your initial consultation!
Or call 612-839-2295
You sense the professionalism and feel at right at home.
Let our clients tell you how well it works:

Ahara is a Sanskrit term that refers to the support of consciousness,
eliminating everything which is not the intrinsic or higher nature of yourself.
The AHARA acronym describes the benefits of this one-on-one quantum process:
A Higher Awareness and Realization of your Abilities
AHARA is for successful individuals who want to take themselves to the next level of thinking and being in their personal and professional lives. AHARA provides the skills to observe and process the world around you differently, enabling you to quantum leap into the place you desire to be, where others can only aspire to be.
Make your commitment to discover your Self and transform your life today!
Monday Video Blog and Thursday Thoughts
Disclaimer: Services rendered are held out to the public as non-therapeutic motivational and meditative consulting to inspire positive thinking and the capacity to self-manage your mind and body abilities. Services rendered are not any form of health care or psychotherapy, and despite research to the contrary, I make no health benefit claims for the services provided. My work is supportive and educational, intended to enhance productivity, effectiveness, and personal and professional growth.