Relative or Absolute Truths

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Absolute truths are fact based. This is a pen. Water is wet. Rocks are hard.Relative truths are opinion based and agreement based. This is what we’ve made up as fact, by society or in our own minds. Both kinds of truth are very real.


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George Bernard Shaw said, “ The problem with communication is the illusion it has occurred.” 

Fear – Wires Crossed

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Fear – Wires Crossed We continue our wires-crossed series with fear. Fear can be a result of crossed wires. 

Pain -Wires Crossed

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We continue our wires-crossed series with pain.  Pain is your body’s way of giving you important information that there is something wrong that needs attention. When everything has been done that can be done and your body has healed, there is no reason for pain to exist.  Sometimes however, the ‘pain gate’ remains open and […]

Emotions – Crossed Wires

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We start our wires-crossed series with emotions.  Emotions are meant to be expressed. They tell you that there is something you need or desire. Emotions are formed in the subconscious mind and are communicated through the body to the conscious mind. For example, if you are sad, it might produce tears. If you are scared, […]

Subconscious to Conscious Communication

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I’ve said before that the brain cannot tell the difference between what is real, and what is vividly imagined. Many neuroscience experiments have shown that very similar areas of your brain that process thoughts (I think I’m moving my finger), also process the actual doing (I’m really moving my finger). This is why vividly imagining […]

Hypnosis, pain and Opioids

Dr David Spiegel from Stanford University talks about hypnosis, pain and opioids at the World Economic Forum in Davos.

Park your Emotions in Neutral

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<span data-mce-type=”bookmark” style=”display: inline-block; width: 0px; overflow: hidden; line-height: 0;” class=”mce_SELRES_start”></span> Park your emotions in neutral! I’ve found myself saying this to clients a lot lately. Everything is neutral – every person, event, thing and situation is neutral. It simply IS.


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Beliefs are thoughts that we think over and over again. Wayne Dyer said “Change your thoughts, change your life.” It’s true – if you keep thinking the same thoughts or doing the same thing, your focus never changes – and what you focus on continues to expand. 

Emotions are in the Driver’s Seat

Emotions drive us. Have you ever wanted that little black dress or that sporty new car and didn’t have the money for it? And you thought and thought and thought about it, and one day it was in your closet or driveway?  They make more of your decisions than logic ever will.