Either/Or Thinking
Roberta discusses the limitations of Either/Or thinking with Rosie Zikinskas on the No Woman Left Behind podcast.
Shine a Light
Hi Everybody! It’s time for your Thursday Thought of the week. I saw this on the internet and just love it: When a flashlight grows dim or quits working, you son’t throw it away, you change the batteries. When a person messes up and finds themselves in a dark place, so you cast them aside? […]
Which Door?
https://youtu.be/gr8r4iXVPmo Hi Everybody! It’s time for your Thursday thought of the week, and here it is: Better to admit that you walk through the wrong door than to spend your whole life in the wrong room. Think about that over this weekend. I’m Roberta Fernandez, your Ability Activator. Have a great weekend, Everybody.
Who Will Win?
https://youtu.be/CVHi58X_cGk It’s time for your Thursday Thought of the week, and today it comes from Andrea Gibson. It’s called All the Good in You. When all the good in you starts arguing with all the bad in you about who you really are, never let the bad in you make the better case. […]
Not Enough Choices?
https://youtu.be/l3n0oa5gTRc How many times have you been faced with two choices, and neither one of them were particularly interesting to you? This tends to happen when we view the world through an either-or lens—it’s either this or that. When we look at things through either-or, we find that we severely limit the potential of […]
The Power of the Observer
https://youtu.be/PrqkuhzPaFc Hi, Everyone. It’s time for your Thursday thought of the week. Nothing that is observed is unaffected by the observer. Now, what this means is that everyone sees a different truth because everyone is creating what they see. Think about that over the weekend! I’m Roberta Fernandez, Your Ability Activator. Have a great […]
Do You Ever Really Reach the Top?
https://youtu.be/d290ihn9LeE How many times have you thought you reached the top of your game and believed that there was nothing left? Well, it’s often that very successful people go from one project to another to continually challenge themselves, and that’s a really good thing because continual learning is always a plus. I want to give […]
Thursday Thought: The Greatest Test
Here’s your Thursday Thought: The Greatest Test I’m Roberta Fernandez, Your Ability Activator, and it’s time for your Thursday Thought. Today I want to leave you with a quote. And I just love this quote. I don’t know who wrote it, but it’s genius. The quote goes like this: “It is not the things […]
Emotional Intelligence Starts with Yourself
https://youtu.be/eXB7wAiheUQ Emotional Intelligence Starts with Yourself I’ve been talking a lot lately about emotional intelligence. And emotional intelligence really starts with ourselves and knowing who we are, and how we feel about each other. This is a little unusual Monday mention because I’m going to wax some poetry here. I came across this. I had […]
Thursday Thought: Being Rich
https://youtu.be/ICMvLZrGHiU Today’s Thought is about being rich. Hi, Everybody, I’m Roberta Fernandez, your Ability Activator, and it’s time for your Thursday thought of the week. I was at a conference this week for a Women’s History Month event, and one of the speakers had a quote that I absolutely loved. She said, and I don’t […]