Hypnosis for Pain Management

Why is hypnosis so helpful with pain management? Science has the answer. 

How you experience pain is based on how the brain chooses to perceive it. In the hypnotic state, the parts of the brain that influence this perception are affected in various ways. In some parts activity is decreased, allowing ideas for creating comfort to be accepted. In other areas that control the mind and body connections, activity increases, allowing these ideas to ‘take root’.

Pain management is one of the most researched areas determining if hypnosis is beneficial. As more and more studies are done we not only realize that the answer is yes, but understand more about the why.

If you are experiencing acute or chronic pain, give us a call today and let us empower you to take charge of your own experience.

I’m Roberta Fernandez, a Board Certified hypnotist and Certified Trainer at FARE Hypnosis, helping you take back control, by unlocking the power of your mind to reach your goals of any kind.


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