Pain Medication

Today I’d like to talk about pain medication. About a year and 1/2 ago I had a bilateral full knee replacement (both at the same time). I didn’t take pain meds, just used hypnosis to manage my pain. 
For many of you who haven’t had surgery or the need to take pain meds, you may not understand what that means. But today I want to show you.
The first 2 weeks after my surgery, I would have taken 84 Oxycodone. The next 2 weeks, I would have taken 58 more Oxycodone. The next 2 weeks, 24 more pills. That’s 184 pills. Oxycodone that did not go into my body.
That helped me recover faster. Eat better. Sleep better. And feel better.
For those of you that are considering surgery, or have had chronic pain and been taking those pain meds a long time, you might want to contact your local hypnotist.
I’m Roberta Fernandez, a Board Certified Hypnotist and Certified Trainer at The FARE Hypnosis Center, located in Eden Prairie, Minnesota. Let us help you take back control by unlocking the power of your mind to reach your goals of any kind.


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