Hypnosis for Chronic Pain

It’s been a while since I talked about hypnosis for chronic pain.

Of all of the issues that hypnosis can be of benefit, none have been studied as much as pain. The efficacy of hypnosis for pain management is scientifically sound.

While I often speak of my personal success with self-hypnosis, people will have varying results. There are two important factors to consider if pain relief is what you are seeking. 

The first, and I know you may think this is a silly question, but ask yourself if you truly want to be free of the pain. People hang on to pain, not necessarily consciously, but because the benefits of the pain are greater than those of the solution. We call this secondary gain – and believe it or not, there is secondary gain to some degree with every chronic pain client! So the second question is, what do you stand to lose if it goes away? Be honest with yourself – ignoring or lying about this only hurts you. Once you recognize what the benefits are (for me, it was not having to cook and extra time off work to read and relax), it will be much easier to determine the honest answer to the first question!

The second thing to consider is the hypnotist you will use. What experience do they have in working with pain clients? Is it a specialty? What is their success rate?

Many hypnotists think you can work with chronic pain like other issues, but it is a complicated blend of science and art. The smallest details make a difference, and understanding what will work for one client and not another is essential.

I’ve had ten years of experience, and up until two weeks ago, I had never had a client that didn’t get at least some relief. I suppose I was due for my first, but then my client said it helped her in other ways, and she believed that it just hadn’t worked YET. Ah. I love it when my clients teach me things!

If you have chronic pain, give me a call.

I’m Roberta Fernandez, a Board Certified Hypnotist and Certified Hypnosis Instructor at FARE Hypnosis, helping you take back control by unlocking the power of your mind to reach your goals of any kind.


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