Thursday Thought: Mistakes

Hi, Everyone, I’m Roberta Fernandez, Your Ability Activator. It’s time for your Thursday Thought: Mistakes of the Day, and this one is a good one for you to contemplate over the weekend. This is another poem by Andrea Gibson. If you’ve been following me for a while, you know I really love her poetry.

It goes like this: On Earth, everyone loved butterflies, but I trusted the caterpillars more. I trusted the ones who knew they were not done growing.

On earth, I was a work in progress, was comforted in the knowing that I had a million mistakes still in me to learn from.

Hmm. That’s your job this weekend, to think about how you can learn from the million mistakes inside of you that you can keep growing from.

I’m Roberta Fernandez, Your Ability Activator. Have a great weekend!


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