
I was thinking about obsessing as I finished up my three-part series on fear. The story about the wolf that survives is the one you feed popped into my mind.

Whether it’s fear, sadness, anger or any other emotion or thought that doesn’t feel good, it’s never going to get any better by thinking about it longer. 

People tend to keep thinking and talking on and on about problems or things that bother them. This is analogous to feeding the wrong wolf.

If you are obsessed, in other words, stuck on the problem, you can’t see your way to a solution. Solutions need a different energy and perspective than a problem.

So feed the wolf you want to win. Let go of the negativity that has your attention and focus on what you want. You’ll be amazed at how quickly things will change for the better.

I’m Roberta Fernandez, a Board Certified hypnotist and Certified Trainer at FARE Hypnosis, helping you take back control, by unlocking the power of your mind to reach your goals of any kind.


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