It’s time for your Monday Mention and today we’re going to talk about emotional intelligence and influence because there are so many things in our daily lives that influence our emotions.
You can take religion and politics. You know the things we’re not supposed to talk about? Both of them are everywhere in our workplace our home lives, our activities of all kinds, and all of these things, whether it be our co-workers, our best friends, it doesn’t matter. Everybody that we meet has influence over how we think and over how we feel.
So becoming aware of all of these things and doing an emotional check-in with how it’s affecting you. Does it make you feel good? Does it make you feel bad? Does it make you feel heard or manipulated? These are things that are really important.
So when it comes to emotional intelligence, awareness is the first step. Because if it doesn’t feel good, you need to resist whatever it is that is happening in order to thrive.
And if you want more of these kinds of topics, go check out the new YouTube channel called Mindful Influences because we’re going to do a lot of exploration around this.
In the meantime, I’m Roberta Fernandez, Your Ability Activator.