Confidence in Getting a Job

A client from Edina came to see me about confidence in interviewing for a new job. He had been let go from his previous job and even though it was an across the board cut of many others – not personal – he found himself struggling in interviews when applying for new positions.
After just a few sessions, the client was able to reconcile some old belief systems that had surfaced with his unexpected unemployment. He was able to let them go and replace them with more powerful, positive thinking. He could visualize himself successfully interviewing and being hired – which then happened a few months later. Not only does he have a job, but he’s now doing something he loves!
I’m Roberta Fernandez, a Board Certified Hypnotist and Certified Trainer at The FARE Hypnosis Center, located in Eden Prairie, Minnesota. Let us help you take back control by unlocking the power of your mind to reach your goals of any kind.


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