On Perfection

It doesn’t matter if you’re a CEO of a major company or a solopreneur or anyone else for that matter.  

“Someday, sometime, you’ll be sitting somewhere and something bad will have happened. You will have lost someone that you loved or failed at something that you badly want to succeed. And sitting there, you’ll fall into the center of yourself. You’ll look for some core to sustain you. And if you have been perfect, all of your life and have managed to meet all the expectations of your family, your friends, your community, your society. Chances are excellent that there will be a black hole where that core ought to be.  

And the only way to avoid it is to listen to that small voice inside of you that tells you to make mischief, to have fun, to be contrarian, to go another way. George L. Elliott wrote, “It’s never too late to be what you might have been.” No, it’s never too early either. Take it from someone who has left the backpack of bricks far behind, and every day feels light is a feather.”

These words come from a book called Being Perfect by Anna Quinlan. I read this book years ago, and that paragraph just really struck home for me, as I know it does, for a lot of other people that I’ve worked with.

Think about this, if you are perfect, the lie that we have all been taught that we should be able to succeed, then what’s left? Where do you go next? 

I’m Roberta Fernandez, your Ability Activator.


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