Einstein had it right when he said,
“The problems we have cannot be solved with the same level of thinking that created them.”
He also said that the definition of insanity was doing the same things over and over again and expecting different results. AHARA provides a new way to think and problem-solve in a world that has been using the same thinking for decades in a world that has changed dramatically over that same period of time.
Teams allow your organization to quantum leap
when they integrate AHARA
into their personal and professional life!
If you want your team members to
– Maximize productivity
– Function as an inspired unit
– Feel confident and secure in their positions
– Get the recognition they deserve
AHARA Team is your perfect solution.
AHARA provides a quantum leap,
enabling you to think from where you want to be,
rather than from where you are,
into the reality of what is possible.
AHARA Team incorporates the same tenets as AHARA, in a convenient combination of individual and group delivery methods. It allows your team to have a common language for new ways to innovate and problem-solve. For more information on AHARA click here.
- Spans 12 months
- Meets twice each month for an hour group session
- Offers a monthly individual hour session
- Optional, but highly suggested, 10-12 hours of one-on-one time to “Clean out Your Closets”
- A one-year, comprehensive, life-changing journal
- A personal portal for access to bi-weekly audios and videos
- Access to Conscious Napping®
Cohorts start quarterly in January, April, July, and October.
AHARA Team provides a leading edge for your organization
Call today for your interview: