Park your Emotions in Neutral

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<span data-mce-type=”bookmark” style=”display: inline-block; width: 0px; overflow: hidden; line-height: 0;” class=”mce_SELRES_start”></span> Park your emotions in neutral! I’ve found myself saying this to clients a lot lately. Everything is neutral – every person, event, thing and situation is neutral. It simply IS.


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Beliefs are thoughts that we think over and over again. Wayne Dyer said “Change your thoughts, change your life.” It’s true – if you keep thinking the same thoughts or doing the same thing, your focus never changes – and what you focus on continues to expand. 

Emotions are in the Driver’s Seat

Emotions drive us. Have you ever wanted that little black dress or that sporty new car and didn’t have the money for it? And you thought and thought and thought about it, and one day it was in your closet or driveway?  They make more of your decisions than logic ever will.

Stress Solutions

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Today we are talking about stress solutions. Stress is an emotion that is saying you have too much on your plate to manage. Here’s a few quick tips to help you manage:

Beliefs About Your Past, Present and Future

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Clients come to me with lots of beliefs about their past or their future. The past does not exist. It is gone – The only thing that exists is what you create in your mind at any given moment about the past- it’s either the good part or bad part, not the entire thing.

Negativity Bias

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There’s a section on my intake form for new clients that asks them to list 7 positive benefits they’d like to receive from their sessions. Invariably I get responses like feel less stress, learn to hate fast food, or be less of a couch potato. They don’t sound like very positive benefits do they?

Stanford Research on Hypnosis

Check out the latest Stanford research on hypnosis. My experience illustrates that many, many people in between the ranges of this study also benefit. The science behind hypnosis gets stronger every day. This is one more confirmation of what I talk about in my new book. See the study here  

Cell Memory

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Remember that old saying, “Sticks and stones may break your bones, but names will never hurt you?” Well, that is far


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Today let’s talk about mindfulness and the choices we make. There was a recent study that asked people how many food choices they made during the day.

Stress Hurts!

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Stress is the underlying cause for 90% of doctor and hospital visits. It costs the business bottom line more than $300 billion dollars each year. The cost to our ‘body line’ is even greater causing mental and physical conditions that cause real symptoms and damage to our bodies: Pain, worry, IBS, ulcers, headaches, high blood pressure, […]